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  • midlifelove 6:08 am on February 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chemistry, coutship, estrogen cyle, , , , saliva, , sexual attraction, wet kisses, women's fertility   

    The Secret of Kissing 

    Kisses That Turn Her OnThe chemistry of romance just gained a new dimension, with revelations that a previously unknown ingredient in salvia increases sex drive. The impact of a first kiss can be life or death to a love affair, but now scientists investigating the biochemistry of kisses say that hormones exchanged during passionate kisses can stimulate sexual attraction.

    New findings show saliva in the kiss contains testosterone, so the open–mouthed wet kisses preferred by men may be an unconscious attempt to transfer testosterone and turn the woman on. Don’t make it too sloppy though, or you’ll turn her off.

    The exchange of hormones in a kiss may also allow males to assess women’s fertility and estrogen cycle, scientists argue. More than 90 per cent of human societies exchange kisses, but the full story of the hormones exchanged in a simple kiss is still to be told.

    Scientists say kissing is a way of assessing our potential mates. They are finding that all kinds of chemical systems are in play in courtship. One study found that 66 percent of women and 59 percent of men say that the quality of the first kiss can kill a relationship.

    • alec 6:51 am on February 26, 2009 Permalink | Reply

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  • midlifelove 4:28 am on February 25, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chinese, , drug manufracturer, hollywood, indiana jones, keanu reeves, la galaxy, , USA Silikon Capsules, viagra style pills,   

    Beckham and Bond Share Impotence Pill Link 

    Japan has always managed to pursue Hollywood or baseball stars to sell their products by making silly television adds in Japanese.

    Now some Chinese marketing gurus have come up with a cost effective way of marketing their products. That is to use existing footage of Hollywood stars or sports personalities and dub them in Chinese.

    English soccer star David Beckham, the “best Bond ever” Sean Connery, Hollywood action man Keanu Reaves have all enjoyed recent dubious celebrity of “endorsing” Viagra style pills to Chinese consumers.


    Footage of Beckham promotes an impotence pill called USA Selikon with Chinese voices dubbed onto the film to show the LA Galaxy star apparently endorsing the product. It is however unclear if Beckham really does endorse the product or will take legal action against the company using his name.

    In the 30-second video, Beckham appears to say: “Want to know how I can keep being strong and running on the football field? USA Selikon capsules help me a lot. “It’s also the secret weapon with which I can satisfy Victoria.”


    If you are surprised to hear about Beckham then you will find it extremely entertaining to see Sean Connery praising the USA Selikon capsules in the movie Indiana Jones.


    However Keanu Reeves takes the prize with the following dialog in an interview “The feelings after my kidneys got washed by USA Selikon capsules are surprising. And my girlfriends were also surprised.”

    A sales manager for the drug manufacturer told Saturday’s South China Morning Post in Hong Kong the advertisements had been approved by authorities and broadcast in cities across China.

    Regardless of what happens to USA Silicon Capsule’s business as a consequence of bogus adverts, Viewers in China appear to have been taken in by these bogus adverts, with people poking fun at the celebrities on online forums for appearing to be reliant on China-made sexual aids.

  • midlifelove 11:37 pm on February 22, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , blood supply to penis, cardiovascular disease, , , , , , medication, , sexual desire, supplements, testoterone, treatment, ,   

    Is testosterone supplementation effective for ED? 

    The short answer is yes – in some, but not all – cases where testosterone levels are low.

    Approximately 10 to 15 percent of men with erectile dysfunction suffer from low testosterone levels. Yet up to a quarter of all men are estimated to have low testosterone levels, with that number rising as men age – and it’s not clear why some, but not all, experience ED as a consequence.

    What is clear is that when low testosterone is the cause of ED, 40 to 60 percent of men benefit from testosterone supplementation. When other factors – poor blood supply to penis, stress, etc – are involved – testosterone treatment alone is not nearly as effective in curing erectile dysfunction, even though it may increase sexual desire.

    Now it’s become clear that testosterone supplements can give a big boost to men who don’t respond to impotence drugs like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. It is estimated a significant proportion of men – between 25 and 50 per cent – do not respond to the medications which have become known as PDE5 inhibitors.

    When testosterone is added to the therapy up to 70 per cent of men with low testosterone find the cure for erectile dysfunction, as well as improving their orgasms and overall quality of life.

    The same strong result was found in men with low testosterone using long acting testosterone therapy alone, who received testosterone injections at six weeks and then three monthly intervals.

    After twelve and 30 weeks of testosterone treatment, 20 out of the 29 patients demonstrated marked improvement in erectile function, without using any other medication.

    As a result, men’s health organisations are reporting a change in the attitude to the use of testosterone supplements – which recent studies have found can be helpful in treating conditions linked with male ageing like tiredness, depression, and lack of libido.

    Recent studies have also suggested that the effects of an age-related lack of testosterone may go beyond feeling a bit tired, with type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease appearing to be linked with it.

    Another reason for updating the guidelines on who to screen for testosterone deficiency and how to treat it lies in the results of some studies that suggest that some of the fears about testosterone supplements increasing the risk of prostate cancer may have been unfounded.

    The new guidelines recommend measuring testosterone in all men who have both type 2 diabetes and symptoms of testosterone deficiency, and in those with erectile dysfunction or low libido.

    “This is a major change. That puts a lot of people in the category of being screened for low testosterone,” says Andre Araujo, director of epidemiology at the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts.

  • midlifelove 10:48 pm on February 17, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ayurvedic, cow dung, cow urine, cow water, eccentric, ganges, gau jal, health, hindu,   

    Cow Cola – Cure for All 


    Cow cola – aka sacred Indian cow urine marketed as a healthy drink – is being hailed as cure for a whole range of diseases from diabetes to liver complaints, cancer and impotence.

    India’s “healthy” alternative to Coke and Pepsi, developed by a leading Hindu cultural group, is being marketed as the answer to many illnesses including erectile dysfunction.

    One on-line practitioner claims a one hundred per cent success rate in treating common male sexual disorders like impotence and “difficulty with intercourse” with cow urine. http://www.cowurine.com

    While it’s perhaps hard for the Western mind to get enthusiastic about the idea, in some Indian states cow dung and urine are sold in regular dairy shops alongside milk and yogurt, and “ayurvedic” Indian health food companies make porridge, toothpaste and tonic drinks which claim to cure a wide range of ailments.

    Although many Indian doctors consider the idea of drinking cow urine as “eccentric,” India’s leading Hindu cultural group has developed the Gau Jal or Cow Water at its research centre in the holy city of Haridwar on the River Ganges.

    The research centre’s Cow Protection Department hopes the drink’s success “will prove and justify the high status held by the cow in Indian culture.”

  • midlifelove 5:19 am on February 13, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , bedroom, black cohosh, damiana, dong quai, dr ruth, , gingko biloba, ginseng, , , mind, , , sex organ, tong kat ali, , , wild yam   

    Hot Herbs for Valentines 

    The quest for the perfect aphrodisiac is as long as human history, and yet many sex experts – Dr Ruth among them – still say the most important sex organ is located between the ears – as in “it’s all in your mind.”

    Chocolate, oysters, avocado and honey have all had their place as romance boosters in 5000 years of folklore, although 20 years ago the FDA poured a cold shower on the whole idea of libido lifters as “unscientific.”

    However as the baby boomers reach 60 and notice things ain’t what they used to be in the bedroom, many are discovering that centuries of human experience can’t be dismissed as simple “anecdote”. Natural enhancement has been around since man walked upright, and natural sex boosters are coming out of the closet.

    So here’s our pick of A Lover’s Dozen of Sex Boosting Herbs to add an extra spark to Valentines Day for men and women. For info on where you can find health products containing some of these herbs, go to http://www.herbalignite.com.

    Tribulus Terrestris

    A testosterone enhancer from Europe which works for both men and women (in women it helps with menopause symptoms). Lifts performance and libido.


    South America shrub induces a testosterone effect and was used by the ancient Mayans as an aphrodisiac drink. Scientific effects recorded over 100 years ago.


    A stimulant also known as Brazilian cocoa and a national beverage there. Guarana increases energy and libido, helps with weight loss, soothes nerves and fights free radicals.


    Used by North American Indians as a general tonic to give extra energy and strength. (Daniel Boone used to pick wild ginseng and sell it in New York.) Widely used to improve overall energy and vitality, particularly during times of fatigue or stress. Beneficial for diabetics as studies show it normalizes glucose levels after meals.

    Gingko Biloba

    Counters impotence. Ultrasound examinations of 60 impotent men who took ginkgo biloba herb showed improved penile blood circulation after six weeks. After six months, 50% of the patients had regained potency. Many other benefits including increases blood flow to the brain, reduces risk of heart attacks and stroke. Good for treating complications from diabetes, particularly nerve damage and eye problems. Ginko biloba may put the pep back lost as a result of taking anti-depressants.

    Horny Goat Weed Herb

    A performance enhancer and a libido and energy booster for both men and women.

    Saw Palmetto

    Excellent herb for prostate health, sexual functioning and desire. Shrinks the prostate, relieves the major symptoms of enlarged prostate – benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

    For Women

    Tong Kat Ali

    Also called Long Jack, an Asian forest extract with consistent performance boosting properties. Just watch out for insomnia as a possible side effect, so perhaps take it in the morning for good effects later in the day.

    Black Cohosh

    Popular as a natural alternative treatment for women’s menopausal symptoms, particularly hot flushes.

    Chaste Tree Berry

    Also known as Vitex, the Chaste berry well known since ancient times for treating “womens problems”. It is mentioned in Homer’s 6th century BC epic the Iliad and was known to “The Father of Medicine” Hippocrates in the 4th century. Chaste berries are used in treating PMS and menopause.

    Dong Quai

    Also known as Chinese angelica (and not related to the European Angelica) Dong is considered the ultimate, all-purpose woman’s tonic herb. It is used for almost every gynecological complaint from regulating the menstrual cycle to treating menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes, including dryness and hot flushes.

    Wild Yam

    Has progesterone-favourable effects on the body, because it contains a compound from which progesterone is made. Wild Yam extract helps regulate the estrogen /progesterone ratio, normalizing imbalance. Good for menopausal problems such as sleeplessness, hot flushes and vaginal dryness and for menstrual cramps. Topically applied progesterone creams can help with sexual health.

    The pioneer in the use of natural progesterone was Dr John Lee, who investigated natural progesterone in his book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause – The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone. Dr Lee coined the term “estrogen dominance” and was one of the first to show that synthetic hormones did not do what was claimed and could be harmful to health. His book lists recommended creams of guaranteed quality. Although Dr Lee died in 2003, his work is continued on his official website at John Lee MD (http://www.johnleemd.com/)

  • midlifelove 2:06 am on February 11, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chocolates, downturn, financial worries, flowers, , money, , , ,   

    Recession Hits Romance 

    Recession puts a dampner on romance, according to a survey which shows couples are sharing a whole lot less loving because of financial worries. A quarter of women and a fifth of the men surveyed by sexual lubricant company K-Y Brand reported the economic downturn was having a detrimental effect on their relationship.

    recession-heart1However, the good news for romantics was that most men wanted to make things right, with more than three-quarters of them saying, despite tougher times, they would not be cutting back on Valentine’s Day spending.

    The sexes put a different priority on physical intimacy in a relationship. More than a quarter of men said more intimacy was the “thing they wanted most” for Valentine’s Day, while women wanted chocolate and flowers more.

    More than a quarter of men (27 per cent) said the thing they want most for Valentine’s Day was more intimacy, followed by a card (25 per cent) and chocolates and flowers (20 per cent).

    For women, “greater intimacy” came in second to chocolates and flowers (26 per cent) and equal to a card (13 per cent).

    Relationship counselors report even before the world downturn, money worries were the biggest single factor in relationship problems.

  • midlifelove 3:00 am on February 5, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: berry, , , loose weight, Miracle fruit, miraculin, Synsepalum dulcificum   

    Miracle Fruit – A Dieter’s Dream Come True 

    A taste-bud-teasing little red berry which makes lemons taste like candy and bitter beer taste like chocolate is catching on as the latest “miracle fruit” for people wanting to eat healthy – or those enjoying a harmless thrill at the latest cult craze, “flavor tripping parties.”

    The West African Miracle Fruit Plant (Synsepalum dulcificum) has a weird ability to rewire the way the tongue perceives flavors for up to two hours after consumption. A dieters-dream come true, it can turn bland low cal desserts into sweet sensations if diners pop a miracle fruit before eating.

    Hip trend setters are experimenting with Miracle Fruit at “flavor tripping parties” where tasters eat the strange little fruit and then consume sour and bitter foods to experience the oddity of how their tongue transforms the flavors.

    Party On

    Typically, party goers pop a berry and then graze at a table set up with citrus wedges, cheeses, Brussels sprouts, mustard, vinegars, pickles, dark beers, strawberries and cheap tequila, the last converted it is claimed to a top-shelf liquor by the miracle fruit fizz. Goat’s cheese tastes like cheesecake, and vinegar like apple juice, diners claim.

    The berry itself is lightly sweet with an unremarkable flavor, but what gives the berry its strange flavor twisting property is ‘miraculin’, a molecule that binds to the tongue’s taste buds, causing anything bitter and sour that is consumed afterwards to taste sweet.


    Taste Bud Tricks

    Technically the Miracle Fruit is not a sweetener, it’s a simply a “taste-bud tricker”. Attempts have been made to create a sugar substitute from the fruit, particularly with diabetics in mind, but those attempts have ended in failure amid accusations that the FDA was catering to the sugar industry, which supposedly feared a loss in business that could potentially be caused by a drop in the need for sugar.

    Miracle Fruit is available as freeze dried granules or in tablets – this form has a longer shelf life than fresh fruit. Tablets are made from compressed freeze dried fruit which causes the texture to be clearly visible even in tablet form.

    The effect of Miracle Fruit is made possible by contact with the tongue, not through digestion. For this reason, tablets must be allowed to dissolve in the mouth. The most pronounced effect can be achieved by coating the entire tongue in a paste of Miracle Fruit for up to 30 seconds.

    Miraculin loses potency when heated, and while it changes the perception of taste, it does not change the food’s chemistry. Care should be taken in using it with acid foods like lemon juice, which may result in oral ulcers if eaten in large quantities.

    For information on other health promoting herbs, see http://www.herbalignite.com for advice on living better for longer.

  • midlifelove 11:49 pm on February 3, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ageing, BMI, bone mass, defeated army syndrome, Drop in testosterone, excessive alcohol, loss of muscle, Massachusetts, New England Research Institute, rapid loss in male sex hormones, regular exercise, sedentary habits, sexual dysfunction, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Thomas G. Travison, traumatic changes   

    Dramatic testosterone drop speeds up aging 

    Drastic experiences like defeat in battle or the death of a wife can result in dramatic drops in testosterone equal to aging ten years, a new study has found. But even less traumatic lifestyle changes, like putting on weight, sedentary habits, or excessive alcohol use can result in rapid loss in the male sex hormone and faster aging.

    That’s the message from recent research which shows rapid testosterone loss can make men at higher risk for diabetes, loss of muscle and bone mass, more risk of falls and sexual dysfunction. Doctors first noticed sudden loss of testosterone while treating soldiers who had experienced defeat in combat – a condition they dubbed “defeated army” syndrome.

    But a 17-year study of 1600 men in the Boston area – published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism and was led by Thomas G. Travison of the New England Research Institutes in Massachusetts – observed that it’s not just major grief or battle distress that speeds up the ‘normal’ loss of testosterone that occurs as men age.

    Even a small increase in the BMI (body mass increase) can cause sharp drops in testosterone. With other “unhealthy” factors like too much booze and too little exercise you can put an extra ten years on you age in a short time. (At ‘normal’ rates, after the age of 40, men lose testosterone at the rate of about 1 per cent per year, from a peak at the age of 18.)

    The good news , the doctors say, is that rapid loss of testosterone is not inevitable and good life choices – like losing weight, taking regular exercise, reducing alcohol intake, getting more sleep and regular sex – can help contain testosterone loss.

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