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  • midlifelove 2:37 am on May 19, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: analytical research lab, bagels, bananas, crackers, D and E, eggs, essential fats, fatty, flaxseed oil, fruit, fruit smoothie, healthy appetizer tray, kiwi, peach, pear, pizza bases, potato, protein bar, quesadillas, spoonful, trail mix, viatmins A   

    Breaking the No 5 Food Addiction – Fat 

    When most of us crave fat, we don’t reach for a packet of nuts or a spoonful of flax seed oil. Instead, we look for sources of saturated fats such as potato chips, or snacks that satisfy our sweet tooth and our fat craving. According to Analytical Research Labs, Inc., when some people crave foods that are high in fat, they are actually craving essential fatty acids and other nutrients from oils. Essential fatty acids are healthy fats that contain vitamins A, D and E, which your body uses for healthy skin, hair and nails. Because most Americans eat a diet that is lacking in these essential fats and oils, your body may crave them regularly.


    Breaking the Craving for Fats

    Avoid processed foods, and limit alcohol, sugar and salt. Research shows we are increasingly missing main meals and then fridge grazing on midnight snacks.

    Ensure you get good amounts of quality EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) from your food. Good sources are: cold water fish – salmon, herring and mackerel, walnuts and almonds, dark green leafy vegetables, olive oil, flax seed oil, cod liver oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, whole grain foods, lean meats and eggs,

    Pre-pack snacks for when you are on the move
    Keep some ready-to-eat snacks on hand, stashed away in your desk, in your car, or even in your purse or bag. Include pop-open cans of tuna and whole grain crackers, hard-boiled eggs, fruit, particularly bananas, trail mix, a low-sugar protein bar, low-sodium beef jerky, or protein powder mixed with water alongside a handful of nuts.

    Keep the fridge stocked with healthy meal options

    • Have bagels, bread and pizza bases ready for use. Keep the toppings for these refrigerated. If you have the time, leave a “pizza-making kit” in the fridge, with all the ingredients pre-chopped and ready to toss on the pizza base.
    • Stock with a pasta salad, boiled eggs or sushi for a quick meal.
      • Make a healthy appetizer tray with carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, squash, and olives. Combine with a container of fat free or low fat ranch for dipping.
      • Try these: avocado drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, falafel and tatziki, smoked salmon and low fat cream cheese on oatcakes topped with watercress,

    If you must have meat, try to stick with fish and choose sushi or fresh tuna or salmon that you can just sear quickly and dip in soy sauce.

    • Quesadillas: Keep a packet of tortillas in the cupboard, cheese and salsa in the fridge, and try this variation on a boring cheese toastie. Spread salsa, cheese and chopped spring onions over the tortilla, then fold in half and put straight onto a hot griddle/frying pan. Toast both sides, cut into wedges and eat with salad.
    • Quick Fruit Smoothie: If you keep a banana in the freezer, you’re never far from a nutritious smoothie. Chop the frozen (or unfrozen) banana and put it into a blender with a tablespoon of porridge oats (you won’t taste them), a squirt of honey and enough milk to generously cover. Whiz until smooth and drink with a straw! You can vary this smoothie using almost any fruit in your house – pear, peach, strawberry and kiwi are all great.

    Have plenty of fruit on hand. Apples, oranges, mandarins, pears, etc. should all be to hand in the fridge. Bananas fare better out of the fridge but should also be available all the time. Make bowls of washed and hulled berries available if you have the time. And slices of pineapple, mango, melon etc. make great snacks.

  • midlifelove 5:21 am on May 13, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: brocolli, citrus, dehydration, , effective, FDA 2500mg, , , potasium, potato, processed foods, Salt, , toxic, viatmin C   

    Salt – Obsessive food no.2 

    Cut Salt and Live Happily Ever After

    Find yourself ordering French fries more for the saltiness than the potato? Do you put salt on everything – even watermelon? If so you’re probably in the majority of people whose salt intake is double (5000 mg daily) that recommended by the FDA (2500 mg daily). As common salt – white refined sodium chloride – is toxic to our bodies, it’s a common craving that’s good to curb.

    For most people, craving salt is simply a matter of habit developed by eating lots of salty foods like potato chips, salted nuts and French fries.

    But craving salty foods can be a symptom of adrenal exhaustion, especially in people who live fast-paced, stressful lives. Your body needs approximately 500 mg of salt a day. If you are an athlete or work hard physically, and sweat a lot, you will need more. A desire for salt may simply be a result of dehydration, the process by which your body loses water, electrolytes and salt. Some experts believe that Americans are so accustomed to a high-sodium diet, that they go into salt “withdrawal” when their eating habits change.

    Slowly cutting back on salt, rather than completely cutting it out of your diet, is a more effective way to reduce your intake.


    Beating Salt Craving

    Replace your standard table salt with unrefined sea salts.Often the body doesn’t actually want the salt, but the mineral content found in salt. Because unrefined sea salts have a stronger flavor and higher mineral content, you can use less and give your body exactly what it is craving.

    Eat foods that are high in Vitamin C and Potassium. If stress and adrenal failure are causing your cravings, these foods will help reduce the urge.

    Foods high in Vitamin C – Citrus, Pepper, Broccoli

    Foods high in Potassium – Apricots, Bran Wheat, Raisins, Figs, and Baked Potato With Skin

    Substitute a squeeze of lemon juice in your favorite recipes instead of adding excess salt. Just like salt, lemon helps to bring out the natural flavors of food, but does not carry the health risks. While it may take some getting used to, before your know it, you won’t even miss the excess salt.

    The best way to fight dehydration is by drinking more water and by replacing the lost salt. Many sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade provide the necessary nutrients for hydration, especially after an intense workout.

    Replace some processed foods with fresh fruits and vegetables and season your dishes with herbs and spices. Stick with it and after a while you won’t miss the salt and will be feeling better. And if you’ve developed a taste for watermelon with salt on it, try dipping bite-sized pieces of watermelon in soy sauce instead.

    Caution: Sudden, excessive cravings for salt can also be a sign of some serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and sickle cell anaemia. If you experience symptoms of any of these diseases, you should consult your physician immediately.

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